Should you ask an educated adult “Name all the dragons you have read about,” without question Smaug will lead the list, before Grendel or Fafnir or St. George’s. J.R.R. Tolkien in his masterpiece The Hobbit created the evilest most powerful dragon in literature The Wyrm Smaug.
We are introduced to Smaug as he sleeps on his accumulated hoard of gold and jewels in the lowest dungeon-hall of the dwarves under the Lonely Mountain. Then we experience his rage at having a two-handled gold cup stolen and then we see his intellect and character when he talks to Bilbo Baggins. Finally, the devastation Smaug inflicts on the lake-town Esgaroth is described as is his death throes when he is shot by the archer Bard.
Every reader breathes a sigh of relief when the evil Wyrm Smaug is finally killed. |